Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Fixing Naive Lambda Logic

In this old post, I explained why naive lambda logic is paradoxical, and explained how to fix it. The fix that I suggested restricted lambda statements to represent finite computations, which is really what they are for anyway. However, in this recent post, I suggest that many naive, inconsistent logics (such as the naive lambda logic) are actually referentially complete: they can state any mathematically meaningful idea. The problem is that they also can state some meaningless things.

So, it is interesting to consider how one might fix naive lambda logic in a way that keeps the meaningful infinite stuff while removing the nonsense.

To do that, though, a definition of meaningfulness is needed. As I said in the more recent post, a statement's meaning needs to come ultimately from a basic level of meaningful statements (such as statements about sensory data). A meaningful statement should either be on this base level, or its meaning should be derived purely from other meaningful statements.

In the lambda logic, it is natural to think of a term as meaningful if it evaluates to something. A statement, then, is meaningful if its truth relies only on the value of meaningful terms. To make this precise, we've got to specify the infinite build-up process by which we assign meaning. For each operation that forms a new sentence, we've got to define how meaning is carried over. One of these rules, for example, will be:

If statement X is meaningful and statement Y is meaningful, then the statement X and Y is meaningful.

We need a rule like this for every operation: and, or, not, quantifiers, lambda, and the lambda-value relation. That may sound simple, but complications quickly build up. And is meaningful when its arguments are meaningful. But what about or? It seems like X or Y could be meaningfully true if X is true but Y is meaningless. But if we want this to work, then it would also be sensible to allow not Y to be meaningfully true when Y is meaningless. (That behavior of not would make the behavior of or that I mentioned consistent with classical logic.) But that equates meaningless with false, which seems wrong.

Another problem arises with the treatment of quantifiers. Do quantifiers range over all possible terms, or only meaningful ones? It makes a difference!

There are many different places we can run to get standard solutions to these problems: free logic, the revision theory of truth, fixed-point theories, and others.

A third problem, perhaps worse, arises from the concept "not meaningful". For a concept to be meaningful seems straightforward: it should be built up in a meaningful way from other meaningful statements. But trouble presents itself when we discuss non-meaning.

Imagine the base-level facts as ground from which trees are growing. The trees, of course, are the meaningful statements that can be built up. Meaningless statements would be branches hanging in midair, attempting to grow from themselves, or from other meaningless statements. (Meaningful statements can also have self-reference, but have an attachment to the ground somewhere.)

Now, when we consider in the concept "meaningless", we see some weird stuff happening: somehow the paradoxical branches that grow from nothing are able to support meaningful branches, such as the statement "This sentence is false" is meaningless. Or, even stranger, consider "This sentences is meaningless". It appears to be meaningful but false. Or, consider "This sentence is either false or meaningless". If it is true, it is false or meaningless; if it is false, it is true; if it is meaningless, then it is true. It looks like the only way to deal with it is to say that it is meaningless to ask which of the categories it is assigned to: it is meaningless to talk about its meaningfulness or meaninglessness.

To handle cases like these requires a sort of back-and-forth between meaningful and meaningless. We can't just grow meaning from the ground up and then declare the rest meaningless; in declaring things meaningless we allow more meaningful statements, so we've got to go back and add them in. That in turn might change the set of meaningless statements, and so on. If in doing this we are changing our assessments of various statements (going back and forth between "meaningful" and "meaningless"), then we are doing something similar to what the revision theory of truth recommends. On the other hand, I like the idea of marking things "definitely meaningful" and "definitely meaningless". A back-and-forth woulds still be needed, but all decisions would be final.

Anyway. Suppose we resolve all of those issues. Another interesting issue comes up: infinite lambda statements.

An infinite lambda statement could directly represent the mathematical entities that I want the system to be able to reason about. For example, an arbitrary real number would be any function from natural numbers to the integers 0 through 9 (if we want decimal notation), represented by a finite or infinite lambda statement. (Note: the calculation itself could always be fixed to halt in finite time, despite the lambda statement being infinite.) The interesting thing is that if the logic has been satisfactorily rigged up, it will be in some sense as if infinite lambda statements were allowed, even though they aren't.

This suggests that we need to be careful of the semantics, and therefore of how nonmonotonic reasoning is used. Are the quantifiers interpreted as ranging over all actually-representable lambda terms, or are they also ranging over the unrepresentable infinite ones? If the logic is to talk about unrepresentables properly, the quantifiers will have to range over them. But then nonmonotonic reasoning will not converge to the correct answers: it will converge to answers that hold for the finite terms only. This will sometimes be correct for the infinite case, but not always. The matter seems complicated, and I'm not yet sure how to deal with it.

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